Diese Massage wirkt Neben der Linderung von leichten Beschwerden vor allem zur vorbeugenden stärkung und Ergänzung von medizinishen Therapien im Krankheitsfall. Streching- und Streching-Techniken im gesamten muskulären System sorgen für eien locale Durchblutung der Haut, des Bindegewedes und Muskulatur.
Thai massage works, in addition to the relief of mild discomfort, especially for the preventive strengthening and supplementing of medical therapies in case of illness.
Stretching and Stretching techniques across the entire muscular system provide local perfusion of the skin, connective and muscles.
Thai massage works, in addition to the relief of mild discomfort, especially for the preventive strengthening and supplementing of medical therapies in case of illness.
Stretching and Stretching techniques across the entire muscular system provide local perfusion of the skin, connective and muscles.